Hi Guys!
So that I don't get in trouble with my partner (who reckons I'm glued to my computer), I will do a compilation of the best AHT content around #BlackHistoryMonth.
I am a proud Black Man & if you have been around my blog for a minute, you know that I talk about issues around the Black Experience & Equality, Diversity & Inclusion quite often.
As you know this year has been a particularly poignant year for race relations in the Western hemisphere with the murder of George Floyd in May 2020 and resulting 'Black Lives Matter' protests that still continue to this day.
We need to have those difficult conversations with each other if we ever hope to be a truly Equal, Diverse and Inclusive society. We can't hide anymore - Let's be the change that Dr King Jr dreamt about.
Here's the best writing from the Action Hero Teacher blog about why Black Lives Matter.
The Written Articles

In Memory of George Floyd - This was raw. I wrote this a week after the brutal murder & spilt my guts and tears on the electronic page. I speak about institutional racism, unconscious bias & why racism is the moral evil of our time.

What School Didn't Teach You About The Lightbulb & Why That Matters - Inspired by the wonderful speech by Michael Holding about Race, I wrote this piece about George Latimer, a hidden figure of History who helped light up the world & why his story matters.

Thank You, Chadwick Boseman - After the tragic death of the legendary Black Panther actor Chadwick Boseman, I spoke about why positive black representation matters & how Chadwick Boseman inspired a whole generation of black children in a way we never thought possible.

Less Than 10 - BAME teachers make less than 7% of the UK teaching workforce. A brilliant, determined teacher Zara Singh went up & down the country taking stunning shots of these educators & gave them a chance to tell their stories. This became the 'Less Than 10' docu-gallery (which includes your truly) - support the case!
The Twitterchats
Over the last couple of months, using the #ActionHeroTeacher hastag, I have been hosting a number of Twitterchats about the hot topics in Education. Here are a couple of chats that have looked at how Race intersects with the classroom.
The Podcasts
Here are 2 special podcasts that I was invited on which I spoke at length about the issues around Race & Education.
Let's Do Human's Chadwick Boseman tribute - The Let's Do Humans podcast is brilliant! Francis & I discussed the tragic death of Chadwick Boseman & how important positive Black representation is in the media.
The #Antismall Talk podcast with Shuaib Khan - Shuaib Khan is a courageous teacher & podcaster who is not afraid to talk about the difficult issues. In this episode, I break bread with Shuaib talking about covert racism, what people get wrong with #BlackLivesMatter & why Equality, Diversity & Inclusion is important for ALL people.
Phew, that's all folks!
If you want to know more, simply connect with me on Twitter using @actionheroteach - or sign up to AHT blog below. It will take you less than 20 seconds & you will get the freshest news, articles and blogs straight to your mailbox!
I hope that you have had a fantastic half-term so far!
Karl from actionheroteacher.com
