Do you want a Deep Dive into "The Action Hero Teacher" book?
Do you like good vibes, humour & practical hands-on advice?
Then this podcast is for you.
Join me with the excellent guys from 3's A Social (@3saSocial on Twitter) on their brilliant podcast where we talk about:
Why teachers are not adequately prepared to handle poor behaviour & what they can do about it.
The 4 types of students that enter your classroom, how they behave & how to effectively deal with them.
Why money management lessons are absolutely critical for our current students & what we can do to help them.
And much more!
This happened in Summer 2019 & this was my first ever podcast interview & I had an absolute blast! I know that you are going to enjoy it too!
Click the link below to get access!
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Karl from www.actionheroteacher.com
